
Training on Net Neutrality and FTTH networks

15 February 2013 par dans News, Regulation

Pierre-Yves Deboudé (Associate Director TERA Consultants) gave a two-day training to a network operator in Rabat, Morocco on February 7-8,  2013.

The program of the training is given below.

Program: Internet Neutrality

  1. Interconnecting actors
  2. How the discussion started
  3. Net neutrality: principles and key events
  4. Positions of ARCEP
  5. The options for Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  6. Prospects

Program: FTTH Networks

  1. Economic fundamentals of the local loop
  2. Technical and economic overview of FTTH
  3. Context and issues of European decisions on digital infrastructure
  4. Explanation of the French framework for the deployment of superfast broadband

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    TERA, international consulting and economic expertise firm founded in 1995, works in the fields of sector regulation, competition, litigation and damage assessment.


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